Sunday, December 30, 2007

Contractors in Afghanistan Didn't Have to Prove Purchases Actually Occurred

johnnydoughey wrote on December 26, 2007 11:05 PM:

And next year bloggers will be once again be complaining how those clowns are wasting our hard earned money and how we need different people in next time....

This is only a piece of the comment(click the link) Yes Eath their are people that think like you.
"WE THE PEOPLE" do need to speak up,we need to ACT America needs change. Let's put the right people at the top this time. Well just started looking in so,this is one of many STICKS IN MY CRAW rants.
Now playing: 2917-WMV-RadioIO-Ambient-128
via FoxyTunes

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Danger, BBC! | Danger Room from

Danger, BBC! | Danger Room from "Danger, BBC!
By Sharon Weinberger EmailDecember 21, 2007 | 1:00:00 PMCategories: Blog Bidness, Iron Triangle

BBC World Service has a very even-handed report on some of the ongoing procurement scandals in the Pentagon. It includes excerpts of an interview with me, talking about Air Force procurement scandals, but the focus is on Pennsylvania Congressman John Murtha and earmarking."

I listened to this BBC program this morning it STICKS IN MY CRAW that all Americans are not up in arms about the systems of earmarks. This is (although not illegal) a system that needs a through overhaul.

There is altogether too much hanky panky going on in Washington. We need people in Congress and the White House that can commit to the values we all grew up with. Honesty,Integrity,Fair Play and a commitment to SPREAD THE WEALTH. Too few people hold too much of the wealth,we need to spread it out.

We are the richest most powerful people in the world,LET'S ACT LIKE IT AGAIN.

Monday, November 26, 2007

President Bush Takes Credit for Stem Cell Breakthrough | Wired Science from

President Bush Takes Credit for Stem Cell Breakthrough | Wired Science from "President Bush Takes Credit for Stem Cell Breakthrough By Brandon Keim EmailNovember 26, 2007 | 10:35:52 AMCategories: Biotechnology, Politics, Stem Cell Research"

He forbade science from embryonic stem cell research. Scientist found a way around using embryonic stem cells for the vital research,AND THE PRESIDENT TAKES CREDIT FOR IT. I for one don't think he had any idea that is what would happen,let alone have the gall to claim it as a victory.
The man gets more disappointing every day.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Who needs money

This is a question that has bugged me for a while now. If 1% of the population holds 90% of the wealth in the nation. Why do we need currency. All the other animals on the planet get along just fine without currency,why do we need to have it.Some would say to level the playing field,to negate the law of the jungle,survival of the fittest. Well if 1% of the population holds 90% of the wealth,and we are using money as a rule of fitness,(and we are) what about the rest of us.Are we not entitled too.

We as a society preach one thing and practice the opposite.This hypocritical thing,STICKS IN MY CRAW!

Now playing: 2917-WMV-RadioIO-Ambient-128
via FoxyTunes

Monday, November 12, 2007

Classical Values :: What part of "make no law" don't they understand?

Classical Values :: What part of "make no law" don't they understand?: ""

When Religion was brought up in a recent gathering of Thologist and Laymen and just us guys,I was asked the question "What religion do you believe in?" My jaw dropped to the floor when I said "ALLANISM" No one was more surprised than me. All of a sudden there was an Elephant in the room that no one wanted to acknowledge.As for the point pf making laws that reflect my believes,that is number one on the not to do list. A list that is not written down yet. I will publish a I will do and an a I will not do list in the future.

I want to know just how many people there is in the world that feel the way I and a few others do. Here are a few. I will only kill to save my own life. (this also allows for the meat to sustain my life) also a big one (I will not lie) there are no shades of lie or anything else for that matter. (Land and commodies must be shared eg:Oil,Water,Minerals,ect. This is still a rough idea More later Eath

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Kennedy, Cleland: Stop Messing with Vets' Jobs | Danger Room from

Kennedy, Cleland: Stop Messing with Vets' Jobs | Danger Room from "Kennedy, Cleland: Stop Messing with Vets' Jobs"
This is the kind of thing that really STICKS IN MY CRAW We send our finest young men and women to kill and die for the things that make this country great,and when they come home we don't honor them we SCREW them. I thought it was the law that returning vets were guaranteed their jobs back,what happened to that? I go to war,come back broken and my employer,if he hires me back at all,cancels my medical insurance because I have a existing condition.A condition that was caused (by the way) because I went to war for YOU. We need to fix all the inequities in our system of government.
Give the vets their due!!

Friday, November 09, 2007

See my Genius tag

Most people would get a swell head to get a Genius tag for their blog. I kind of dought it. I know I have above average IQ but average is so low I find it amusing that I make Genius. Well as if I didn't think I was unique on this planet. Now I get validation.Life is good,and a little bit strange. BUT I love every minute of it.

Now playing: Upgrade to PREMIUM at - Chillout @
via FoxyTunes

I don't like AT&T but this is a good idea

Even though AT&T is a big brother like entity,going after pirates and the people who buy pirated material is the way to go. Do you think now they will stop harassing people who share what is in their library's.WE CAN ONLY HOPE.
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Net Neuterality

AT&T Considering Scary, Content-Recognizing Anti-Piracy Filter for Entire Network

Remember YouTube's content filtering system? AT&T is mulling setting one up across its whole network. BusinessWeek's reporting AT&T's in talks with NBC Universal and Disney to possibly use content-recognition tech developed by Vobile—a company they've all invested in—to block pirated material from being sent to and fro along its network.
more »

8:00 PM ON THU NOV 8 2007

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Sunday, October 28, 2007 "A DIFFERENT SLANT ON ILLEGAL ALIENS: 'If he wins his bid for the White House, Democratic presidential candidate Bill Richardson may be just the man to get to the bottom of the 60-year-old Roswell UFO mystery.' posted at 09:54 PM by Glenn Reynolds Permalink"
There has been a lot of chatter about the landing in Roswell,NM in 1947. As a boomer born in 1947 I believe I know the truth of this thing that has grabbed the imagination of America. The spacecraft that landed contained a genetic change to the Human Genome,that will be needed in the future to insure the survival of the race. Those of us that have the gene know that we are special,unlike the rest of you. Not better,just more prepared to live in a much changed world.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

No one can do what congress can

Yea take action Congress just doesn't want anyone else to have what they do.This whole thing smacks of childish behavior.

In a statement completely independent of the Democrat National Committee, Phony Vets for Truth, a non-partisan think tank, also said: “When private citizens start to believe that they can say whatever they want without being subject to the normal democratic process of selective sound-bite editing, and selective outrage, then it’s time for Congress to take action.”

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Wired Science - Wired Blogs

Wired Science - Wired Blogs: "To Expand Poor Children's Health Insurance, Democrats Take From the Poor By Brandon Keim EmailOctober 01, 2007 | 11:04:59 AMCategories: Government, Health"

This is nothing new. The role of Government, Republican or Democrat is to keep the masses POOR AND STUPID. If we ever get to think for ourself the ruling class is finished and Anarchy will rule and that is no good for anyone. Just think and do what you are told and it will all work out. Those in power know best,don't rock the boat. Comply and do as you are told.

Friday, September 28, 2007

The Corner on National Review Online

The Corner on National Review Online

This post just blew my mind. I know be sensitive and all that. But the only people that can smoke in Vancouver are Muslims. This just goes too far. ONLY IN AMERICA OR CANADA. A GENERAL LAW in their country applies to all, why do they seek exception in other countries. I am beginning to dislike Muslims.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Net Nutrality isn't something I am willing to give up.

I use Verizon DSL as well as well below the advertized speed,now if they don't like my politics,they wat put me on a slower pipe. and raise my bill too I bet. We can't let the telecoms take over the world. Support NET NUTRALITY
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Friday, September 07, 2007

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Pew poll: Which candidate would Americans prefer, an atheist or a Muslim?

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Pew poll: Which candidate would Americans prefer, an atheist or a Muslim?: "Pew poll: Which candidate would Americans prefer, an atheist or a Muslim? posted at 6:53 pm on September 6, 2007 by Allahpundit Send to a Friend | printer-friendly No iPhone, traffic’s down, now this. pew.png"

You have to see this study. I must be crazy,I think it says we are more likely to elect a woman who is a Evangelical Christian. Hey what would be so bad about that. Think of it A Christian that isn't afraid to listen to the people.

pew.pngThat would be better than the bullies that are in charge now.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

What I think of the AIM community

I thought it would be a good idea to have a AIM page to try to attract some new friends {read benefactors} for a non profit that I volunteer at. Well it turned out to be an utter disaster. The only responses I received were stupid little childish idiot statements. Which led me to wonder if all that use AIM are of a particular age or IQ group. Those under 90 IQ mental age under 13. I will never understand those that need help to know how to blow their noses. Disability I can understand but these people are just STUPID. Childish and stupid.

I also blog about local news on a blog at a local TV station. It's a lively discussion lots of opinion with no name calling. AIM is all about name calling and other petty things like making fun of your pic's. I am so glad I have canceled all the connections to AIM on my PC. I would like to thank the adults of Blogger for stimulating conversation and thought.

Now playing: trunksu97
via FoxyTunes

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Boing Boing: Cruggs?

Boing Boing: Cruggs?: "Cruggs? The only thing in the world I hate more than Crocs are Uggs. Evidently, the two have mated, spawning this vile demon bastard footwear spotted recently in Houston. Where it is 100 degrees. (Thanks, Katie)"

Can someone check on Manolo I can only imagine the TRAUMA.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Reason Magazine - Hit & Run > The Privileged Class

Reason Magazine - Hit & Run > The Privileged Class: "The Privileged Class Radley Balko | August 23, 2007, 9:37pm

This is the kind of thought that I thought was forgotten in America. Check out this link,this is the kind of thing I like.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Gmail - Tell the Candidates: Support the Constitution

Gmail - Tell the Candidates: Support the Constitution: ""

Go to the above address.If you care about the freedoms this administration has taken from the American people. You owe yourself this visit. Go to this web site and give any support that you can. STAND UP AND BE COUNTED.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


We need to make the auto industry get busy with upping the MPG of the cars they sell.
clipped from

Reason's Hit & Run blog on the trend of banning plastic bags and bottles as a way to conserve oil: "The US currently uses 20 billion barrels of oil per day. First we’re going to ban plastic bags, slicing away a giant 0.00016% of that consumption. Now, bring on the plastic bottle ban, slashing a full 0.00021% from the oil guzzling. Take that, global warming!"

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Saturday, August 04, 2007

Steven Weber: Getting It Off My Chest (or Channeling Andy Rooney On Peyote) - Politics on The Huffington Post

Steven Weber: Getting It Off My Chest (or Channeling Andy Rooney On Peyote) - Politics on The Huffington Post: "Steven Weber

Getting It Off My Chest (or Channeling Andy Rooney On Peyote)"

Another good piece for Steven Weber. I am so glad to find people who also believe that we are now being controlled by bullies. I really wish there was something instant that I could do to make thousands of people flood into Washington D.C. to confront these Bullies. There is just so much that is wrong in todays ruling elite. I think we need to go back to electing actors or musicians or maybe just someone like Jimmy Buffett, or just write in your own name for President of The United States. If enough of us vote for ourselves we will have to have another election and maybe we will get a choice this time. I still think Al Gore is a good idea. He doesn't want to run. Another good choice would be Arianna Huffington. How about someone like a retired coporate whistle-blower. WE THE PEOPLE need to take our Government back.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Katrina floods not covered by insurance: court | Top News |

"NEW YORK (Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court ruled on Thursday that three major insurers are not responsible for flood damages in New Orleans -- even if 'negligence' caused flooding that inundated the city during 2005's Hurricane Katrina."
This is the kind of thing that GETS STUCK IN MY CRAW You pay all your life for a little piece of mine hoping that that horrible disaster won't get you.Than the horrible happens and you think well at least I have the insurance,that will help me put my life back together.

Well not so fast,The Insurance Company (and usually the best known largest ones) don't have to pay claims.Thats right the insured are told that the multi-million dollar Insurance Company can't pay such large or so many claims because it would cause them Financial ruin.

This is the kind of thing that goes on all the time.Insurance Company's take your money,invest it,make tons of profit. And if they (the risk taker) for whatever reason are asked to pay,Well you may as well have flushed that money,because they can't pay your claim.

Why do WE THE PEOPLE let those GREEDY PIGS continue to do things like this. They are on their Yacht in the harbor LAUGHING AT YOU FOR BEING SO GULLIBLE.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Wired Science - Wired Blogs

Wired Science - Wired Blogs: "Environmental Police Force Hits All-Time Low
By Brandon Keim EmailJuly 27, 2007 | 9:05:17 AMCategories: Environment, Government"

Please read the story linked above. More evidence of the federal Government changing the protection of the Environment that we thought we protected long ago. Now their dropping inspectors. If no one sees it years will pass before the poison business puts into the environment shows up. Most likely by killing children on a school playground. We need to stop raping the environment. Nature sustains us all,the planet deserves our respect. Our world is a closed system,once the water we drink is too polluted to drink,what's next. We can't get any more. Once the air is too dirty to breath,what's next? All we have is what is here now. The large enviromental systems of this planet need our respect. IT'S NOT NICE TO FOOL MOTHER NATURE

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Renewable energy could 'rape' nature - earth - 25 July 2007 - New Scientist Environment

Renewable energy could 'rape' nature - earth - 25 July 2007 - New Scientist Environment: "Renewable energy could 'rape' nature

* 11:10 25 July 2007
* news service
* Phil McKenna"
This is a well thought out article. For some reason there was not one reference to the fact that Fusion is now and can be with comparatively less money. A much safer and safer system system to deliver energy.As far as the disposal issue with nuclear,there is already storage areas being built. We need to do something not just talk about it. TIME IS AWASTIN!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Racial Profiling

I saw nothing in the blogs that I read today to blog about,so I will rant about one of the things that get Stuck In My Craw.

We hear on a regular basis of Racial Profiling.

We hear the Muslim American cry about it. We here the African American cry about it. We here the Asian American cry about it. We here the Spanish American cry about it. Are we not all American? We never hear about an Italian American or a Polish American or an Irish American,or a English American,or a Mongrel American(those of us of mixed ancestry) crying about such silliness.

We should refer to oneself as an American(African,Asian,Spanish,et al. Enough of this stupidity. Now with that said TTFN

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Hot Air

Hot Air
Saw this article on Hot Air KUDOS that is my kind of action. "Try and burn me down(you face hiding sneak) how do you like this" (as i kick him in the nuts). Ripped tendon or not,I wish I could have been there to give him a good ol Uncle Sam combat boot smashing.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Pajamas Media

Pajamas Media: "A Liberal College Kid Sees Sicko

On Saturday June 23rd I had the pleasure of seeing Sicko, the latest from documentarian Michael Moore. Being a long-time fan of Moore and his films, I arrived an hour and half before show time to make sure I got a good seat for the sneak preview."

This is the only subject I found today that I thought worthy of mention. Not to detract from any of the blogs I read,they cover all that is good bad ugly and in between. What STICKS IN MY CRAW about SIKO is why we seem to be shocked and intrigued by it. I thought we all knew,imagine the worst seniro about any subject,and low and behold that is what is going on behind our backs. Or in front of our faces and then,they lie to us about what we observe.
Time to wake up and smell the SHIT our Leaders are feeding us. More power to people like Michael Moore.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Take that RIAA

Thank You,Thank You. I love seeing the Government bullies get what is coming to them.Now the RIAA needs to prosecute the Bush daughters for stealing the music that make a mixed tape for daddy Bush.That would really turn heads.
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Former RIAA Lawsuit Target Turns the Tables

A woman who was sued by the RIAA for file sharing and had the charges dismissed with prejudice isn't done with the courtroom yet. She's decided to file a lawsuit against the RIAA for malicious prosecution.
more »

WED JUN 27 2007
AT 11:19 am



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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Where Do Homosexuals Get All Their Energy? | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

This is such a FABULOUS story. I love satire. I hope my friends will love it too.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Save net Radio

I could not let today go by without saying a word or two about net radio. As U know internet radio is soon going BLACK it will happen in two weeks. Even though tens of thousands of us have called and written to our representatives in Washington. I called all four of the congressmen for Rhode Island. Both of the members of the House are co-signers of the House bill to roll back rates(save net radio bill). As for my senators,the Democrat is a supporter , the Republican was mysteriously having phone network problems today.
Today when Internet radio went silent to emphasize a point and get people to call their Representatives the Republican at least the one for my district was having phone problems.

I resent being treated like a meaningless annoyance by the people that I put in office.
that really STICKS IN MY CRAW.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Paul Krassner: The War on Medical Marijuana - Politics on The Huffington Post

Paul Krassner: The War on Medical Marijuana - Politics on The Huffington Post

I found this on the Huffington Post today. I live in RI so with the states and my Doctor's permission I can possess and smoke up to 1oz of Marijuana. I may grow six plants for my personal use. despite this I am still forced to buy Marijuana on the street. More and more studies have shown that its use is even less harmful than caffeine. Nothing I have taken from the pharmacy has even come close to the relief I get from smoking a joint. I think it is time that the Federal Government spent their time and MY MONEY on the real problems in the world and stopped picking on the little guy.

Is weather or not I use Marijuana to reduce my pain more important than if the Federal Government lies to the American people? I THINK NOT.

Friday, June 15, 2007

For my BFF jeanette

U can do this. Jeanette is a little less comfortable with the internet than I. She wants to Blog.

She is at home no as we speak trying to get a older PC and a cell phone to get her to blogger. Some how her machine seems stuck on MSN. I will have to go over there next weekend and help her out. Love Ya, BOBULA

Blast off 2 the internet

I toast that!

I will toast that open mindedness. I have pain from nerve damage. Marajuna is the natural drug that helps the most and cost the least. America needs to get on the ball..
clipped from

Governor Eliot Spitzer announced today that he could support medical marijuana in New York, and a bill is currently working its way through the legislature. Conversations with advocates over the past months swayed him, proving that some politicians do care.

The support, he acknowledges, is conditional. "It depends
upon access control, how you regulate it, how you ensure you're not
just dispensing a narcotic," he said. Assemblymember Richard Gottfried (D-Manhattan) had already introduced a medical marijuana bill, and he says that it has been amended to address concerns raised by Spitzer's aides.

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Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Blog - The Huffington Post

The Blog - The Huffington Post: "AT&T Moves to Take Over the Internet

Josh Silver | Posted June 14, 2007 |

Remember how the big phone companies tried to dismiss Net Neutrality as a 'solution in search of a problem'? Well, here's the problem.

In an interview this week with the Los Angeles Times, AT&T Senior Vice President James Cicconi revealed that AT&T is developing technology designed to detect..." Don't let big business run the internet.

Gay Marriage

I am so happy to see that Gay Marriage is gaining ground.In mass. today the legislature killed a bill to outlaw gay marriage. That was the right thing to do.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I may become a Buddist

The Dali lama says such truth. We all need to listen to the voice of the ancients in us.
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"This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness." - The Dalai Lama

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Monday, June 11, 2007

More Inequality

Egg Donors vs. Sperm Donors: Who Is Valued More and Why?

Paul Raeburn | Posted June 11, 2007 | Living Now

Does the market for sperm donors and egg donors tell us something about stereotypes of mothers and fathers? Rene Almeling, a Ph.D.-candidate sociologist at UCLA, thinks it does.

In a survey of staff members at sperm banks and egg donation agencies, this is what she found:

Egg donation is a...

Read Post | Comments (1)

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Paris Hilton

This clip says what I feel about the whole Paris Hilton thing. I don't care about poor little rich girl.
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About Paris…

Hey, I’ve got something to say about this whole Paris Hilton ordeal.

(Don’t worry) Just kidding.

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Friday, June 08, 2007

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


This site The Stright Dope doers(so far as I can tell) have the stright dope. Other articles I have read there fill in the facts for me. Beautiful day in New England today. I say some Bees today.
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Remember the recent ‘The bees are all dying!’ eco-panic? Chalk it up to more apocalyptic eco-BS says Doug, “the #1 authority on disappearing bees” @ The Straight Dope: “There’s no reason at this point to think European honey bees are going to be wiped out, now or ever. The die-offs so far appear to affect some beekeepers more than others, sometimes in the same area. That’s one reason scientists are so puzzled, but it strongly suggests the losses may have something to do with how individual beekeepers are managing their bees.” (Straight Dope) [HT: The Green Report]

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For my silly Friends

This is just a little bunch of silly for a few people I know that will see it.
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A review of more than sixty years of penis research found that men care a lot more about the size of their (insert euphemism here) than women.

Of course, that doesn't stop guys from doing all manner of bizarre things to bulk up down below, including -- ow -- encouraging "poisonous snakes to bite their penises to enlarge them for six months!"

Continue reading "Good News, Guys: 60 Years of Penis Research Reveals..." »

clipped from

What if excess carbon dioxide could be sent into space?

That's the plan of UCLA environmental physicist Alfred Wong, who thinks the tendency of CO2 ions to rise could be harnessed in a way that sends them pouring into space through the arctic's thin atmosphere.

Continue reading "A Space Elevator for Carbon Dioxide" »

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Saturday, June 02, 2007

Let's start Trials

I can think of no news better than a bug that eats the Bug that is eating immune systems.Isn't irony beautiful?
clipped from

A key difficulty in creating an HIV vaccine is the variation among
strains, where each strain provides different targets for antibodies.
New research shows that a broad-spectrum antibody prevented 48 different HIV strains from infecting cells in vitro.

This antibody targeted the HIV-1 surface protein named R2 gp140,
which seems to be a new target present on many different strains. While
this sounds like an amazing new find, a 2005 report from the Scripps
Research Institute in the journal Immunity neutralized nearly 100 different strains. When this research will be available for human use is anybody's guess.

New Study Suggests Potential for a Broadly-Protective HIV Vaccine [EurekAlert]

New Broad-Spectrum Target Against HIV Identified

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Monday, May 28, 2007

Grow up

This is a very dumb thing to do. I hope they throw the book at him. War is Hell but your Not a Animal. This person was a sanctioned being show respect.
CAMP PENDLETON, California (Reuters) - Angered that a beloved
member of his squad had been killed in an explosion, a U.S.
Marine urinated on one of the 24 dead Iraqi civilians killed
by his unit in Haditha, the Marine testified on Wednesday.

Full Article
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Hats off to this blog

Marathon Pundit is a good thing. I wish I had as much talent and guts when I was his age. But during that time there was no internet. Oh well Wodda Codda Shodda

Wired Science - Wired Blogs

Wired Science - Wired Blogs

This seems to come up a lot,side effects from a drug that is a huge help to the consumer. The approval process needs to be an arm of the government not a industry controlled agency. Maybe I am wrong the FDA does a good job on the food side they just seem to drop the ball on the drug side. Maybe if we changed the D in food&drug to M for medication that would change how seriously the people deciding this approval treated the results found.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

warning.JPG (image)

warning.JPG (image)

I'm passing this out to my friends Fair Warning

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Blog | Brent Budowsky: American Dream Team: Draft Gore-Obama | The Huffington Post

The Blog | Brent Budowsky: American Dream Team: Draft Gore-Obama | The Huffington Post

Everyone need to read this post by Brent Budowsky It would be the second coming of Camelot. The Baby Boomers are salivating at the thought of a Government for the people by the people again.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Defend the Planet

I urge all that read this to go to Environmental and support the planet.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Stars and Stripes: DOD blocking YouTube, others

Stars and Stripes: DOD blocking YouTube, others

Well the DOD is at it again. Telling lies that is. Having been in the military in a time of war I know for a fact that the Federal Government in times of war have ultimate authority over any and all tools that they need in the war effort. This vague language makes it possible to take control of whatever they want or need. They can have all the bandwidth they need. Probably more than they can use. Blocking GI's access to popular sites used to communicate back to the states is just a way for Uncle Sam to control information. My Uncle Sam has the power and the bandwidth to give GI's their own private channel for personal communication.

shedwa: Animated AIDS Ads are Awesome

shedwa: Animated AIDS Ads are Awesome

I want to see ads like this in America. Pardon PSA. Showing PSA'S like this in the movies or at assembly at a high school or middle school would do a lot to stop AIDS. To bad we in America are ruled with a Iron Fist.

Wait a minute isn't the reason we revolted against England because we detested being told what to think and feel. We the people need to again demand that our leaders respect WE THE PEOPLE. As a HIV-POS gay man I may have thought more about what I was doing,If I had PSA'S like this on TV and in the movies. KUDOS TO THE FRENCH.

Sunday, May 13, 2007


I turned 60 last week I feel like a 20 year old. I am full of a lust for life and an energy I can only describe as what I felt when I turned 21. Am I just silly. I have arthritics in my legs, allergies to spring summer and fall.And Glaucoma. Yet I feel the world is mine for the taking. I thank my parents superior genes.

Made some changes.

I hope my friend get their systems up soon. I am tired of writing to myself. Although this begun as a writing to myself thing. I am only starting to get the hang of these things. Blogs that is I have learned how to post,add links that I like,but I would like to add a radio station so my readers can have music while they read about them. Can one of you guys help me?

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Are U K idding me

I just can't believe no one in this country remembers Social Security Numbers We already have a federal ID
number. The IRS already has more information on file about you than you know. No one is really trying to take anything away from you,just make identification as simple as a scan. No pain no comprise ,just identification.

"Increasing Democracy

by J. Mijin Cha

States Revolt Against National ID

Montana and Washington state are leading the revolt against the 2005 Federal Real ID Act. Under the Act, states have until May 2008 to issue new driver's licenses adhering to uniform safety features set by the feds, and requires states to verify the identity of all driver's license applicants. States that do not adhere to the Federal standards will not be able to use their licenses to board planes or enter federal buildings. As Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer so aptly put it, 'no, nope, no way, hell no.'

Anti-Real ID measures have passed at least one chamber in 14 states and introduced in 11 others. Oklahoma is the next state on the verge of opposing the implementation of Real ID.

States have opposed the measure because of the high cost of implementing the Act and the federal intrusion into what has traditionally been a state responsibility. The Act would require driver's license bureaus to feed information into databases to verify applicants identity, leading to concerns about invasion of privacy and identity theft. Not to mention everyone with a driver's license or state ID will have to renew it in person, adding to already lengthy DMV lines. And while the cost to the states of "

Sunday, May 06, 2007

May outside my window

This is a pix of may out of my window. Usually it is greener than this in may. First I thought I was going to show global warming effects in my back yard. Now it has turned to another thing. But that is what my blog is for. just let it all out. This pix was taken this morning 05-06-07 08:09:10edt This point in time will never happen again in this place. AH Spring

Friday, May 04, 2007

Boing Boing: A Directory of Wonderful Things

Boing Boing: A Directory of Wonderful Things

All a gov. agency has to say is I can't and I will.

Once a thing is paid for and in my home I will do with it what I will.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Blog | The Huffington Post

The Blog | The Huffington PostI URGE everyone to watch this

I was elated to see PBS the most respected news organization in America. Stand right up and tell it like it is. We need much more of this. Ethanthom

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Wired Science - Wired News

Wired Science - Wired News

This is so cool. Fixing the things that go wrong with this body. It has been said throughout time If you can imagine it IT'S possible. Let's all imagine medical miracles like this are REAL and they will be. THINK POSITIVE. Wired is a cool mag.


Sunday, April 22, 2007

Earth day

There is an embankment in the rear of the apartment complex I live in. This wooded embankment is home to the birds and small animals as is all the space we humans don't live in. So far this morning,EARTH DAY I have seen three car stop and trow yard waste down this hill. They clean up their yard,and bring the trash to another persons yard to dump it. I wish more people would take cleaning up the earth seriously. Good thing Earth Day is only once a year, otherwise the trash outside my window would overpower the clean fresh spring. SHAME ON THEM

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Spring has sprung

Well finally it is springtime in New England. It has been very wet so far this year. Yesterday the sun came out. Today it began sunny. I can hear all the trees and flowers singing with joy. I hope the arrivle of spring erases the grumpiness that is going around. I don't have much now,I am going outside to enjoy the warm weather.TTYL

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Too much hostility

There is too mush violence in our world. There are too many hostile people. What do you think about purging our systems of hostility. I mean remove it from the world. Yourself,your business,your government. If we all TURN THE OTHER CHEEK as trite as that sounds to most of you,the people that harbor hostility lose their edge. I know from personal experience,if you refuse to return others hostility or give them the attention they are looking for they leave you alone. Please Please try it. It works.As a member of the largest group of Americans (boomers) I call on all of you to protest hostility. Did we bring up or children so we could send them to war. WAR; WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR ABSOUTLY NOTHING1 Say it again.


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Happy day to all my friends

In as much as this day has been like the last two. I want to wish my friends good day. I know all of you are feeling down,the campus shooting,the cool weather,the rain and snow. Boston marathon in the wind and rain. Take heart things can only get better.

Did you know April is a month in which bad things happen. True, most shootings of a devastating nature happened in April. Everyone is sick and tired of winter,cold rain and snow. We all get frustrated and pine for warmer weather. It will be here soon.

A word about the news mongers in this country,in fact or the world. STOP BEATING US WITH SPECULATION ABOUT THE SHOOTING ON CAMPUS. Please let us recover and morn this tragic event in peace. Enough is enough.


Saturday, April 14, 2007

Roomba Violates All Three Laws Of Roombotics | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

Roomba Violates All Three Laws Of Roombotics | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

As well written as this story is and as credible as the author sounds Some one is pulling his chain. It's a simple machine not capable of the things he claims. I just can't believe it.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Springtime please hurry

Here it is April 13, and out my window the landscape is still in it's winter drab. I have been longing for the warmth of the springtime sun. Her on this blog I intend to document the weather outside my window. Please don't think I am shut in I am not. I volunteer for a local agency that helps people with HIV. I want spring to come because it makes people feel better. When the people I help feel better,so do I. I will post a pix once a week till I lose interest. Proberly this coming winter

Verizon Yahoo! for Broadband - Add Mobilcaster - Mobile Non-iPod Podcasting

Verizon Yahoo! for Broadband - Add Mobilcaster - Mobile Non-iPod Podcasting

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Boing Boing: A Directory of Wonderful Things

Boing Boing: A Directory of Wonderful Things

Thank you Mr. Iacocca, I thought I was the only one on the planet that was disgusted at what the Military Industrial Complex has done to my country. As a Patriot I also believe Government has gone too far. We the people need to take back our country. As a BABY BOOMER I am one of the original generation of rabel rousers. I call on all boomers to get involved in the 2008 Presidential process. We need to beat them in the head till they listen to the majority. And my fellow boomers WE ARE THE MAJORITY IN AMERICA!

Friday, March 16, 2007

the BIG spring snow

Well here we go again.All of New England is in a tizzy. Closing, Cancellations and treacherous driving. Years ago less than a foot was just considered a little storm. Now the prediction of snow is a disaster. Businesses close Schools close Airports close and every store within 100miles is out of bread and milk. WHAT IS THE PROBLEM? Stop being so silly. Six inches of snow is nothing GET OVER IT.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Thursday, March 08, 2007

allan sheldon's Homepage -

allan sheldon's Homepage -

I just downloaded mobilcast to my phone. It saved me 20.00 that sprint was charging me to get less of the same thing. What a boon for we mobile people. YEH HOORAY DIPSSY DOO. tHIS IS GREAT.

Swetshop Raid

The recent raid in New Bedford MA,that arrested 300 or more illegals . Is getting a lot of play. The feds are doing what they get paid to do. Or should I say we pay them to do. You payed your dues learned English payed taxes,and were glad to be in the best country in the world. Most of the people in America are immigrants or children of immigrants. Hech we are all immigrants,the only natives are native American Indians. We all played by the rules. EVERYONE SHOULD.