Sunday, November 11, 2007

Kennedy, Cleland: Stop Messing with Vets' Jobs | Danger Room from

Kennedy, Cleland: Stop Messing with Vets' Jobs | Danger Room from "Kennedy, Cleland: Stop Messing with Vets' Jobs"
This is the kind of thing that really STICKS IN MY CRAW We send our finest young men and women to kill and die for the things that make this country great,and when they come home we don't honor them we SCREW them. I thought it was the law that returning vets were guaranteed their jobs back,what happened to that? I go to war,come back broken and my employer,if he hires me back at all,cancels my medical insurance because I have a existing condition.A condition that was caused (by the way) because I went to war for YOU. We need to fix all the inequities in our system of government.
Give the vets their due!!

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