Saturday, June 02, 2007

Let's start Trials

I can think of no news better than a bug that eats the Bug that is eating immune systems.Isn't irony beautiful?
clipped from

A key difficulty in creating an HIV vaccine is the variation among
strains, where each strain provides different targets for antibodies.
New research shows that a broad-spectrum antibody prevented 48 different HIV strains from infecting cells in vitro.

This antibody targeted the HIV-1 surface protein named R2 gp140,
which seems to be a new target present on many different strains. While
this sounds like an amazing new find, a 2005 report from the Scripps
Research Institute in the journal Immunity neutralized nearly 100 different strains. When this research will be available for human use is anybody's guess.

New Study Suggests Potential for a Broadly-Protective HIV Vaccine [EurekAlert]

New Broad-Spectrum Target Against HIV Identified

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