Friday, June 29, 2007

Pajamas Media

Pajamas Media: "A Liberal College Kid Sees Sicko

On Saturday June 23rd I had the pleasure of seeing Sicko, the latest from documentarian Michael Moore. Being a long-time fan of Moore and his films, I arrived an hour and half before show time to make sure I got a good seat for the sneak preview."

This is the only subject I found today that I thought worthy of mention. Not to detract from any of the blogs I read,they cover all that is good bad ugly and in between. What STICKS IN MY CRAW about SIKO is why we seem to be shocked and intrigued by it. I thought we all knew,imagine the worst seniro about any subject,and low and behold that is what is going on behind our backs. Or in front of our faces and then,they lie to us about what we observe.
Time to wake up and smell the SHIT our Leaders are feeding us. More power to people like Michael Moore.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Take that RIAA

Thank You,Thank You. I love seeing the Government bullies get what is coming to them.Now the RIAA needs to prosecute the Bush daughters for stealing the music that make a mixed tape for daddy Bush.That would really turn heads.
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Former RIAA Lawsuit Target Turns the Tables

A woman who was sued by the RIAA for file sharing and had the charges dismissed with prejudice isn't done with the courtroom yet. She's decided to file a lawsuit against the RIAA for malicious prosecution.
more »

WED JUN 27 2007
AT 11:19 am



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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Where Do Homosexuals Get All Their Energy? | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

This is such a FABULOUS story. I love satire. I hope my friends will love it too.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Save net Radio

I could not let today go by without saying a word or two about net radio. As U know internet radio is soon going BLACK it will happen in two weeks. Even though tens of thousands of us have called and written to our representatives in Washington. I called all four of the congressmen for Rhode Island. Both of the members of the House are co-signers of the House bill to roll back rates(save net radio bill). As for my senators,the Democrat is a supporter , the Republican was mysteriously having phone network problems today.
Today when Internet radio went silent to emphasize a point and get people to call their Representatives the Republican at least the one for my district was having phone problems.

I resent being treated like a meaningless annoyance by the people that I put in office.
that really STICKS IN MY CRAW.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Paul Krassner: The War on Medical Marijuana - Politics on The Huffington Post

Paul Krassner: The War on Medical Marijuana - Politics on The Huffington Post

I found this on the Huffington Post today. I live in RI so with the states and my Doctor's permission I can possess and smoke up to 1oz of Marijuana. I may grow six plants for my personal use. despite this I am still forced to buy Marijuana on the street. More and more studies have shown that its use is even less harmful than caffeine. Nothing I have taken from the pharmacy has even come close to the relief I get from smoking a joint. I think it is time that the Federal Government spent their time and MY MONEY on the real problems in the world and stopped picking on the little guy.

Is weather or not I use Marijuana to reduce my pain more important than if the Federal Government lies to the American people? I THINK NOT.

Friday, June 15, 2007

For my BFF jeanette

U can do this. Jeanette is a little less comfortable with the internet than I. She wants to Blog.

She is at home no as we speak trying to get a older PC and a cell phone to get her to blogger. Some how her machine seems stuck on MSN. I will have to go over there next weekend and help her out. Love Ya, BOBULA

Blast off 2 the internet

I toast that!

I will toast that open mindedness. I have pain from nerve damage. Marajuna is the natural drug that helps the most and cost the least. America needs to get on the ball..
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Governor Eliot Spitzer announced today that he could support medical marijuana in New York, and a bill is currently working its way through the legislature. Conversations with advocates over the past months swayed him, proving that some politicians do care.

The support, he acknowledges, is conditional. "It depends
upon access control, how you regulate it, how you ensure you're not
just dispensing a narcotic," he said. Assemblymember Richard Gottfried (D-Manhattan) had already introduced a medical marijuana bill, and he says that it has been amended to address concerns raised by Spitzer's aides.

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Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Blog - The Huffington Post

The Blog - The Huffington Post: "AT&T Moves to Take Over the Internet

Josh Silver | Posted June 14, 2007 |

Remember how the big phone companies tried to dismiss Net Neutrality as a 'solution in search of a problem'? Well, here's the problem.

In an interview this week with the Los Angeles Times, AT&T Senior Vice President James Cicconi revealed that AT&T is developing technology designed to detect..." Don't let big business run the internet.

Gay Marriage

I am so happy to see that Gay Marriage is gaining ground.In mass. today the legislature killed a bill to outlaw gay marriage. That was the right thing to do.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I may become a Buddist

The Dali lama says such truth. We all need to listen to the voice of the ancients in us.
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"This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness." - The Dalai Lama

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Monday, June 11, 2007

More Inequality

Egg Donors vs. Sperm Donors: Who Is Valued More and Why?

Paul Raeburn | Posted June 11, 2007 | Living Now

Does the market for sperm donors and egg donors tell us something about stereotypes of mothers and fathers? Rene Almeling, a Ph.D.-candidate sociologist at UCLA, thinks it does.

In a survey of staff members at sperm banks and egg donation agencies, this is what she found:

Egg donation is a...

Read Post | Comments (1)

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Paris Hilton

This clip says what I feel about the whole Paris Hilton thing. I don't care about poor little rich girl.
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About Paris…

Hey, I’ve got something to say about this whole Paris Hilton ordeal.

(Don’t worry) Just kidding.

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Friday, June 08, 2007

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


This site The Stright Dope doers(so far as I can tell) have the stright dope. Other articles I have read there fill in the facts for me. Beautiful day in New England today. I say some Bees today.
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Remember the recent ‘The bees are all dying!’ eco-panic? Chalk it up to more apocalyptic eco-BS says Doug, “the #1 authority on disappearing bees” @ The Straight Dope: “There’s no reason at this point to think European honey bees are going to be wiped out, now or ever. The die-offs so far appear to affect some beekeepers more than others, sometimes in the same area. That’s one reason scientists are so puzzled, but it strongly suggests the losses may have something to do with how individual beekeepers are managing their bees.” (Straight Dope) [HT: The Green Report]

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For my silly Friends

This is just a little bunch of silly for a few people I know that will see it.
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A review of more than sixty years of penis research found that men care a lot more about the size of their (insert euphemism here) than women.

Of course, that doesn't stop guys from doing all manner of bizarre things to bulk up down below, including -- ow -- encouraging "poisonous snakes to bite their penises to enlarge them for six months!"

Continue reading "Good News, Guys: 60 Years of Penis Research Reveals..." »

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What if excess carbon dioxide could be sent into space?

That's the plan of UCLA environmental physicist Alfred Wong, who thinks the tendency of CO2 ions to rise could be harnessed in a way that sends them pouring into space through the arctic's thin atmosphere.

Continue reading "A Space Elevator for Carbon Dioxide" »

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Saturday, June 02, 2007

Let's start Trials

I can think of no news better than a bug that eats the Bug that is eating immune systems.Isn't irony beautiful?
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A key difficulty in creating an HIV vaccine is the variation among
strains, where each strain provides different targets for antibodies.
New research shows that a broad-spectrum antibody prevented 48 different HIV strains from infecting cells in vitro.

This antibody targeted the HIV-1 surface protein named R2 gp140,
which seems to be a new target present on many different strains. While
this sounds like an amazing new find, a 2005 report from the Scripps
Research Institute in the journal Immunity neutralized nearly 100 different strains. When this research will be available for human use is anybody's guess.

New Study Suggests Potential for a Broadly-Protective HIV Vaccine [EurekAlert]

New Broad-Spectrum Target Against HIV Identified

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