Sunday, December 30, 2007

Contractors in Afghanistan Didn't Have to Prove Purchases Actually Occurred

johnnydoughey wrote on December 26, 2007 11:05 PM:

And next year bloggers will be once again be complaining how those clowns are wasting our hard earned money and how we need different people in next time....

This is only a piece of the comment(click the link) Yes Eath their are people that think like you.
"WE THE PEOPLE" do need to speak up,we need to ACT America needs change. Let's put the right people at the top this time. Well just started looking in so,this is one of many STICKS IN MY CRAW rants.
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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Danger, BBC! | Danger Room from

Danger, BBC! | Danger Room from "Danger, BBC!
By Sharon Weinberger EmailDecember 21, 2007 | 1:00:00 PMCategories: Blog Bidness, Iron Triangle

BBC World Service has a very even-handed report on some of the ongoing procurement scandals in the Pentagon. It includes excerpts of an interview with me, talking about Air Force procurement scandals, but the focus is on Pennsylvania Congressman John Murtha and earmarking."

I listened to this BBC program this morning it STICKS IN MY CRAW that all Americans are not up in arms about the systems of earmarks. This is (although not illegal) a system that needs a through overhaul.

There is altogether too much hanky panky going on in Washington. We need people in Congress and the White House that can commit to the values we all grew up with. Honesty,Integrity,Fair Play and a commitment to SPREAD THE WEALTH. Too few people hold too much of the wealth,we need to spread it out.

We are the richest most powerful people in the world,LET'S ACT LIKE IT AGAIN.