I thought it would be a good idea to have a AIM page to try to attract some new friends {read benefactors} for a non profit that I volunteer at. Well it turned out to be an utter disaster. The only responses I received were stupid little childish idiot statements. Which led me to wonder if all that use AIM are of a particular age or IQ group. Those under 90 IQ mental age under 13. I will never understand those that need help to know how to blow their noses. Disability I can understand but these people are just STUPID. Childish and stupid.
I also blog about local news on a blog at a local TV station. It's a lively discussion lots of opinion with no name calling. AIM is all about name calling and other petty things like making fun of your pic's. I am so glad I have canceled all the connections to AIM on my PC. I would like to thank the adults of Blogger for stimulating conversation and thought.
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